Monday, January 28, 2013

Birth Announcement

Everyone should have received their birth announcements by now.  In case I missed a friend or two I wanted to share it on here...Along with some runner-ups!

I have two special photos on reserve for the nursery reveal.  Things are coming along well in that department.  I'm waiting on the arrival of both canvas prints to hang above the cribs, and a big soft white fluffy rug!  Two shelves are left to hang, as well as a fun alphabet wall hanging I'm still making.  I'm still in search of soft grey curtains, and need to send out additional photos to print and frame for the room.  I hope within the next month I'll be able to share.

I love looking at this post.  The boys were so small and wrinkled.  We have four chubby cheeks, four rollie legs and two pot bellies!  The boys appetites are so big!  Gotta post this photo of the boys from yesterday.  This was the only picture I got before my phone shut off.  Their faces make me laugh anyways!  Do you all see what I see?  Almost two months and the tricks have begun!

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Twinsomnia Part Deux

Holy crying, cuddling, eating, pooping, grunting, vomiting, pumping, bottle washing, laundry....

Cozy and ready to cuddle

One of the top suggestions new mom's receive is "sleep when the baby is sleeping."  BUT, babies do adorable things while they are sleeping...

I just want to stare allll day long!  If I were sleeping I would have MISSED this!

Do not be fooled!  Newborns sleep ALOT, however; they make it seriously impossible for parents to sleep!  Why?  You can either refer back to my little list of items at the beginning of this post, OR, you can chop it up to twinsomnia.  

Keith doesn't think it's too early to teach Aiden how to play baseball.  HAHA

I am one very sleepy mommy.  When I have an hour to rest I realize how hungry I am!  Breastfeeding must burn a gaZillion calories, cause I can eat 3 grilled cheese sandwiches, and if I weren't so tired, I'd probably keep em grilling!

Soaking up some sunshine!  Kaleb likes to give wet kisses

The boys are becoming their own little men more everyday.  Aiden likes to be awake and look around with his GIANT blue diamond eyes!  I like to lay on the couch with him and sing songs and have staring contests...when I should be sleeping!  Aiden seems to despise the hiccups, and that's almost the only time you'll hear him cry.  Kaleb seriously laughs in this sleep....ahhh, I love it!  Sometimes I sit with my video feature ready to record him....when I should be sleeping!

And now I'm blogging, when I should be sleeping!

Looking forward to Thursday.  Since mommyhood is so tiring and busy I'm off to donate my hair to Locks Of Love!

Little shout-out to Kaleb and Aiden's future BFF:

Monday, January 14, 2013

Full House

The boys have had a busy life so far!  We've had a full house the past couple weeks, and it's been SOO wonderful!  The gummies are currently 6 weeks old, and growing like weeds...(really awesome weeds, that you don't pick from the yard!)  They just hit their first growth spurt.  We have two 8pounders who completely fill out their newborn footed sleepers!  Aiden's double chin is amazing, and his legs are getting chunky.  Pot bellies are on the way!  I can't believe they are DOUBLE the size they were when we brought them home.

Visiting first this month was Grandpa Eddie and Uncle Ben!  They only had one full day here, so I literally had them holding, feeding and burping babies every minute.  They never had a chance to change out of their jammies.

Ben+Kaleb  Dad+Aiden

They flew out the same day Aunt Julia landed!  Jules brought along "Sprinkles and Cupcake" to meet their cousins.  They would go bump-bump when Aiden or Kaleb would rest on her tummy.  I wonder what they were talking about?  Also, she taught Aiden how to plank, and feed his brother :)

Then Aunt Jessica and Uncle Nate rolled in to join the party!

Cuddle time with Aunties!
Keith came down with a sinus infection, and sounded AWFUL.  I'm particularly thankful for my sisters help cooking, feeding the boys, changing, bathing and holding babies since I grounded Keith from touching them.

The boys have learned that they LOVE their fisher price vibrating lamb chair and swing.  They also totally dig how handsome they look in their newly knit hats from Aunt Jess!

KaleB: "ahhhhhhhh, oooooohhhh, ahhhhhhhh"..this chair feels GREAT!
Aiden, you are too cute for words

I've learned it's becoming increasingly difficult to get things accomplished.  My mommy high has officially expired and I'm starting to feel the exhaustion and crankiness.  Sometimes I feel slightly schizophrenic, trying to sort through being tired, exhilarated and in-love.  I look forward to a time when their tummies are satisfied and happy, sleeping longer than these short 3-hour feeding stretches.

Next up to visit are Great Grandma/Great Grandpa and Grandma Brenda again!  This time I will not forget to take her photo holding BOTH babies!

Loving our hats from Aunt Jess.  4 babies in this photo!!

Hope everyone is enjoying the new year!
Lots of Love

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Welcome 2013


2013 is about to become a year of wonderful, and I look forward to all our special moments with tears of utter happiness!

My 2012 resolution was to get pregnant :)  Not only did I succeed, I was lucky enough to welcome my beautiful gummyboys to the world!

Bringing in the new year was simply magical!  Keith and I enjoyed a glass of champagne and sherbet (YUM), and got the boys successfully milk drunk!  Also, we watched one of the most amazing fireworks displays I've ever seen...from our back porch!!  I'm completely impressed with our neighborhood and their enthusiastic celebration!

I'm happy to say that my emotions have been in check since approximately 2 weeks after the boys arrived.  I cried when my mom left, one night when I couldn't get Aiden to eat and shortly after the fireworks explosion this morning.  Happy tears were flowing as I spent a few minutes dancing with Aiden, who was WIDE awake, and kissng the boys chubby cheeks!  I can't remember ever feeling so full of love!

I wish everyone THAT amount of joy, at some point in their life, in this new year!

Since twenty thirteen will be all about FIRSTS for the boys, I'd like to share photos from their first bath today! Enjoy!

Aiden on left, Kaleb on right
Ready to go splish splash!

Rub a dub-dub, Kaleb in the tub!

Aiden, UGH look at those eyes!!!

Aiden on left, Kaleb on right
They LOVE elephants!  Clean and comfy...I think Kaleb wants to go swimming again ;)