Sunday, May 18, 2014

The Plague

We are on day 6 of "the plague".
It slowly crept in early last week and reared it's ugly head on Friday afternoon.  The boys and I are miserable.  No sleep, no food, just lot of tears....from all 6 eyes.  My heart aches for them.

Being a mother is the best thing on the planet.  Watching your children suffer from sickness is the worst thing on the planet.  They keep me young and age me all at once.  I have tried everything to comfort these poor little guys, and it's just not enough.  It doesn't help this is the first "real" occurrence the boys need me at exactly the same time...and it's just not possible, I'm outnumbered.  I constantly joke around about being an this point a spider will do!  Not even the doctors are able to help we sit in quarantine, because I refuse to pass these germs like they were so graciously passed to us...

Thank goodness it's summer and we're able to spend our days outside in our private swimming pool (thanks to wonderful Aunt Julia).  And thank goodness for our continued Citrus Lane subscription.  Both have saved my sanity and I think today was our final sick day!  Enjoy some iPhone photos from the past week.

Visiting a new Library (obviously this is before we got sick!)
Kaleb is such a climber!  He loves these walls, and with a little help dominates!
Getting ready to go splash in puddles.
New to our food store....and to us.  Yum!!  It's fun to teach the boys their letters too
The boys LOVE their new bath duckies from Inga.  Quack Quack (but really sounds like Kaak Kaak)
Citrus Lane saves the day!
Obsessed with the yellow school bus.  Lots of fighting going on over this guy.
Aiden is my water baby!

Sunday, May 11, 2014

Mother's Day

Can you even believe how much these boys have grown?  

Mother's Day 2013
They have become the most miraculous little people I've ever encountered, and they surprise me everyday with something new.  I treasure them and love them with all of my heart!

Our lives are a bit hectic at the moment and I'm glad K&A are young enough that I'm able to shelter them from the 4-6 weeks life is going to flip upside-down.  Since Keith and I welcomed the boys to our world we have talked seriously about leaving the military. The opportunity came at a wonderful time and I cannot express my excitement to move back "home".  Behind the excitement lies the stress of moving, but all will be fine.  I'm a little sad to leave our first house.  I hold the dearest memories of bringing my sweet boys home from the hospital here.  I cry thinking about touching up the paint on the walls where Kaleb drives his cars, and where they bang their cribs against the floor boards.  But as I clean their little face prints off the backdoor windows everyday I CAN DO THIS.  I look forward to all the new memories we'll build on this new adventure that I'll undoubtably treasure for the rest of time.

To my friends and family members; a very sweet and happy mother's day to you all!  I'm so thankful to have never lost hope and to have always had the encouragement, love and support of everyone who brought me into motherhood.  The journey was not an easy one, but the boys are worth it ALL in every way possible.  I'm just SO, so thankful!

Not sure what is more delicious....those lips or those eyes!!!  Aiden, give mama a kiss!!!

The video above is from today.  I bought the boys puddle jumpers, and we all LOVE them! They allow front and back floats and Aiden runs and jacket or not!  He is such a fish and if the pool is nearby he simply must be in the water.  Yikes!