Monday, July 20, 2015

Slug Wars

The past week I've really started cracking down on our Greenbrier Garden.  And so, I'm in an all out slug war!  Finally I've figured out what's eating everything!  It's crazy how many we have, and how much damage they can do!  For the past 5 nights I've killed HUNDREDS!!!  Since the clean-up began my front porch flowers have started blooming again, we have cucumbers blooming like crazy, and peppers too!!  It's amazing!! I'm convinced my carrots, spinach, broccoli, kale and lettuce did grow, but the slugs have eaten it all before I could even see sprouts.  Today the boys helped plant a few more rows, we'll see what happens. 

Two more things that help:
Keith has been digging and re-routing water drainage to keep it away from the garden.
Every night I gather as many frogs and toads as I can find and release them in the garden. They are my allies and help with slug control so I can sleep.

Aside from my nighttime shenanigans the boys had a busy weekend.  A few friends hosted some fun parties.  The boys got to drive a little jeep around for a couple hours, swim, eat "special treats"....things I don't normally allow them to have, visit a car show and ride some attractions at the fair. 

Kman is fighting a fever and cold, so we're laying low this week.  I feel a little awful for pushing and expecting so much out of the boys.  I need to remember they are only two.  Hope you all had a nice weekend.

Thursday, July 9, 2015

July so far

We have moved into the second week of July, and the rain is still here.  Since the birth of Greenbrier Garden rain has fallen almost  The garden has been swamped and desperately needs a break.  At this point I'm not sure my rows of carrots, broccoli, lettuce, kale and spinach will actually grow.  The strawberries were delicious while we had them, yesterday we enjoyed a small handful of blackberries, and I feel the squash, zucchini and cucumbers might appear any day now.  Something is eating the pepper plants, and my herbs.  Maybe this year will just be a berry year for us.

Last week the boys and I headed to Pittsburgh to see friends and family to celebrate Independence Day.  Kaleb has the sweetest singing voice, and says "happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you" perfectly for America!  We had a fabulous lunch date with one of my very best childhood girlfriends, then introduced the boys to my hometown bakery!  We also explained the baby-in-the-belly concept to K&A for the fist time.  They were SO interested, excited and concerned all at once, and loved putting their hands up to Kristen to try and feel baby Z.E.

Our Fourth of July was busy with good and not so good action.  Toddler tornado has taken a new meaning, and I have a more watchful eye now when visiting home.  We had a visit from the paramedics in the morning and a scrambled day.  However; we all made the most of it for the kids.  Flag toast, which none ate, a couple long walks to the park, as many sparklers at we could go through and a late night firework show.

We also had a belated Father's Day celebration with my Dad at PNC Park to watch the Pirates vs Indians.  Kaleb and Aiden are hilarious yelling "LETS GO BUCS".  It was a beautiful day with lots to smile about.  K&A especially loved all the new snacks I packed for them, and the home-run fireworks!  The ball park is so beautiful, I'm really happy we all got to enjoy the game.