Friday, August 8, 2014

A look into 20 Months

I've been wanting to do separate posts for a long time for each boy, but I'm calling myself a lazy blogger and resulting to a 20 month mash-up.  It's a LOOONG post.  You've been warned.

Kaleb Jesse:  A sweet and loving little boy who would follow his brother to the ends of the earth.  He is officially past his shy stage waving and yelling hi at all strangers.  He has a crazy and silly attitude on most days full of smiles and blinking his eyes :)  He loves stuffed animals and constantly gives them kisses.  He's very smart, even if you don't hear him speak you can tell.  He knows several colors now and always wants to share his food/drink with anyone sitting in a 10ft radius.

Stats:  Currently Kman weighs 24 pounds 2 ounces and measures 32.2 inches.

Clothing:  Kaleb has taken a funny interest in picking out things he'd like to wear.  He opens the drawers, hands me a piece of clothing (sometimes it's just socks) then sits down and sticks out his foot.  Or if he sees a shirt he'd rather be wearing he tries really hard to take the one he already has on off.  I'm happy he's not able to do that yet.  Mostly everything is now 18-24months or 2T and Kman is obsessed with shoes.  He doesn't understand you can only wear one pair at a time and gets really frustrated.  The easiest way to give him satisfaction is to put on his house shoes (soft sole slipper-like) and allow him to walk around in my slippers.  Two shoes at happy little man!

Favorite Foods:  Eats pretty much anything (randomly despises bread, hummus and strawberries).  Loves bananas, watermelon, grapes, cheese, pasta and omelets.

Favorite Words:  Kaleb says a lot of things in toddler talk but his favorite ones are uh-oh, shoes (sheez), kitty, doggie, hot, beep-beep (teet-teet), boom, hello, banana (anana), grapes (grray), cheese, mama and daddy (datdee).

Favorite Activities:  Driving cars/trucks has always been his favorite.  I love how consistent this child is.  I know if we are headed out I can grab anything with wheels and he'll be a happy camper.  On the flip-side however; if we are playing at a friends house he does NOT like having to leave behind what he thinks is a new wheeled toy for him.  He also loves unpacking the groceries, pushing around the wheel barrel, dominating the climbing wall on the playground, stealing everything from Aiden and bath time.

Least Favorite Activities:  Taking turns playing with any of his favorite toys and brushing his teeth.  It's getting better and he's letting me do it more now that we're using a tiny bit of flavored toddler toothpaste.  He mostly likes standing at the sink putting his toothbrush under the faucet then into his mouth a zillion times.

Aiden Jake:  A strong and solid, very independent little boy.  His will is powerful and utterly exhausting for anyone except himself.  Aiden is very outgoing and approaches any person, or animal, with a smile and handshake.  He's attracted to older children on the playground and always observes before jumping in.  He has a VERY serious expression when doing something he particularly enjoys, and has a laugh that can shatter the worst day and fill it with pure joy.  He's utterly fearless and tests my every patience, every single day.  As a Sagittarius his sign is Fire, and he lives up to it!  I am a water sign (Pisces)....they say water puts out fire right?

Stats:  Currently weighing 26 pounds 4 ounces and measures 33.4 inches.

Clothing:  Although Aiden appears much larger than his brother he is also wearing size 18-24month and 2T.  His feet require wide shoes with lots of room.  As of now I have him in either 18-24month slippers or size 6 shoes.  I think soon I'll be buying a size up for Aiden and Kman will wear the ones Aiden out-grew.

Favorite Foods:  I'm skipping a little ahead here to least favorite activities, because eating is one of them....unless it's a snack.  He's a great eater, it just takes distraction for it to happen.  Dancing, singing, watching youtube on the computer (sesame street songs, bert and ernie's great adventures and barefoot books are the go-to clips).  Mostly Aiden loves veggies.  He also likes to know the name of everything I give him to determine what he eats first...although he'll eat it all.  He LOVES bell peppers, green beans, carrots, pasta, rice, greek yogurt covered raisins, watermelon, strawberries and waffles.

Favorite Words:  Aiden is a noise machine.  Instead of saying the words he likes to make the sound instead.  Car is vmm-vmm, dog is arff-arff (aaaa, aaaa), kitty is meow (ooow), you get the picture.  Things he does say constantly are mama, dada, kaka (always tells me when he goes by pointing to his diaper), turtle, banana (anana) and honk (ooooonnnc).

Favorite Activities:  Playing and organizing.  He'll bring me his b-blocks and stack them in different areas, one at a time, then move them to a new location.  (He does this with food too.  Puts something he'll eat last in separate piles around his tray, or in the cup holder.)  When he completes this he likes to put them back in their bag and put them back in the toy basket.  He also loves to park the trucks, and ALWAYS puts his pony back in the tee-pee when he's finished riding.  His favorite game is "where's Aiden" and he loves to pile the pillows on the floor and dive into them off the sofa.  Aiden is my water child, swimming, splashing in puddles, bath/showers, turning on the sink water to hold his hands under....anything water he's happy.  Also, the vacuum, the child is obsessed with cords.  He'll go bonkers if he doesn't have a part in winding the cord and pushing the sweeper away.

Least Favorite Activities:  Anything I want/need him to do, which mostly involves going to sleep, eating, leaving the bathroom sink alone and not touching cords.

Happy weekend friends!  We have exciting plans to see a set of twins tomorrow for a swim date and to play in Pittsburgh with Grandpa Eddie and Uncle Ben!  Last weekend we went to TWINSTOCK 2014, which was truly a sight I will not soon forget.  I'll post about weekend adventures soon.  Enjoy a few more photos of the boys 20month shoot!


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