Sunday, January 22, 2017

Year-End Recap

Before I fully dive into 2017, I wanted to say a final farewell to 2016.  December was a wild, fun and exhausting month.  The boys birthday, Hanukkah, Christmas and New Years Eve makes for a full celebration schedule.  We are usually back and forth between entertaining company, celebrating holidays at our home, grandparents on both sides as well as Pittsburgh, and I wouldn't want it any other way.  The season of love and generosity is not something we take for granted, and know our family is so thankful for the many blessings in our lives.

The weekend after the boys kingdom celebration big cousins Chloe and Sophie got to come have a sleepover!  Camp Rickel was almost in full swing: Mr. Rickel himself was away.  The kids worked together and made the yummiest sprinkle cookies we've EVER had!    In fact the cookies were so awesome I made another entire batch so our yearly cookie jars could include them!

The boys and I spent an icy afternoon out delivering those cookies to neighbors, our favorite firehouse crew and found our way to Panera for lunch.  The boys frequently visit our township firehouse, and we were so lucky to ring the bell and have fireman Caleb there to say hello.  Lucky K&A got to drive the truck in the midst of cookie delivery (an unexpected surprise) AND they even got to hear an emergency call come in!

Christmas eve was spent with Keith's family at Great Grandma's home, where they made the cutest little graham cracker houses.  They later put them out for Santa to see, and spent the next week sneaking piece after piece after piece behind my back.  Christmas morning was so sweet as the boys ran into our bedroom pulling on my arm to come see the giant power wheel they received.  What lucky boys they are, to have "father" christmas so excited to gift something like that  They spent the entire morning chatting about taking turns at the wheel, and AJ didn't miss the opportunity to climb under the hood, screwdriver in hand, to repair the battery Keith disconnected.  When I walked around the corner and saw that site I was so happy to have my camera in hand to capture a priceless moment!  Earlier that week K&A got a fun sled ride at a tree farm with Keith, and ventured to Cleveland's Tower City to see Kaity (dressed up as Cali Kittycat, in Mr. Kringle's Inventionasium.

Next celebration was Hanukkah dinner at Dad's.  Watching these kids surround Grandpa Eddie as he recites our blessings makes my heart so happy.  The festival of light was bright, cheerful and so full of love!  10 pounds of potato latkes wasn't too bad either!  We shared many nights of candle lighting at our home, with friends and family.  The last night was especially fun with a house full of guests to celebrate New Years Eve!

Piano practice at Nanny's!

Sooo, again, happy new year.  Hope things are proving to be a bright, happy and healthy one.

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