Time for some fun details on Kaleb and Aiden as brothers AND individuals, which I don't do nearly enough!
Last week we visited the pediatrician for a health and wellness check-up. Walked in healthy and came home with germs. It's really unfair! We were good about washing hands there, not touching the chairs in the waiting room, reading books instead of playing with toys, and STILL that night Kaleb started coughing. I should really send the office a bill!
Moving on....
Kaleb and Aiden were adorable and sweet and showed off their bravery and king crowns. All was fun and games until Kaleb watched AJ take two immunization shots to the leg. AJ, as strong as they come, was so proud to announce he was first, got ready and then BAM. UGH. My poor sweet boy. Noone knows how strong AJ is more than his brother, and when he saw tears pouring down his cheeks, rubbing his legs and yelling "it hurts, it hurts" no way in hell was he gonna let those needles near him!
He threw his little body in the far corner and SCREAMED if they reached out to touch him. It was a terrible thing. After a long 20 minutes we "convinced" Kaleb to get his shots and I saw more anger than I knew was inside him. He screamed at me for tricking him and that the nurses weren't supposed to do what they did. He even growled at them like a starving lion. All was put behind him when he was presented with an officer hopps sticker and mama took him out for ice cream with extra sprinkles.
Moving on again...lets break down some individual stats.
Getting to know Kaleb Jesse:

When given the choice of play Kaleb loves arts and crafts more than anything. His talent is growing by leaps and bounds, and although I may just be a proud mom, he really is AMAZING. His ability to draw objects or characters from memory is outstanding, stays inside the lines and has a firm grasp on how to use negative space-without instruction. Last week I ran up the road to get my teeth cleaned. After my appointment I had to rush to get the kids to their library preschool program, so Keith met me with the boys at the office. Kman greeted me with green hands and explained how he drew a green dragon, breathing fire, carrying a christmas tree with ornaments. When we made it home and I saw EXACTLY that I was amazed....as I am with everything he makes! He still loves officer judy hopps from the movie Zootopia, building lego machines, has a dance party at the end of every movie, wants to be a pilot when he grows up, will still follow his brother to the ends of the earth and is FINALLY coming to an understanding that life is not just about toys.
Getting to know Aiden Jake:

Eating as always been a long process for AJ, even as an infant...unless it's a snack. Dry cereal, crackers and pretzels are his jam and loves to dip anything! He prefers his apples with skin, cereal without fruit (although I do not accept that request), bbq anything and candy. Gymnastics day is definitely his favorite and is really excelling! I'm not surprised knowing his strength. Building with legos all day, every day is Aiden's most favorite activity, unless Keith is around working on a project. That's when you'll really see those guys in their element. Aiden puts on his work pants, boots and tool belt, loads every nook with every tool and WORKS. A lazy child he is NOT! He loves to help in the kitchen, whether it's opening cans, adding spice, washing dishes or grabbing supplies-if theres a job to do he's on it. Unless his job is sleeping. Often we find AJ sitting in the hallway, just as silent and still as can be, sometimes for an entire hour, as long as he's not laying in bed with his eyes closed. When he gets caught doing things "against the rules" he gets the most hilarious expression and yells "MAMA", then come the excuses. The child is never without something to say! A speech evaluation is in his near future, and I look forward to everyone fulling understand the intricate details of every story he comes up with.
And now, I'm going to leave you with two more photos from a pretty sunset in our "back yard" last October. One day these kissing pictures will be a thing of the past, so I'll take em as long as I can get em!!!
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