Thursday, November 5, 2015

Goodbye October

Two posts in one day....a record :)  

Since we were preoccupied here and there, and everywhere other than home in October, we had to whip up the easiest Halloween costumes.  

Some recyclables, spray paint, Keith's military patches and cardboard, we had ourselves some rocket guys and mama moon.  The boys had a BLAST running around saying "trick or treat, happy Halloween."  I had to constantly remind them to say their thank you's, instead of "next house mama".  They've been patient about their loot, having one special treat a day and they love to organize and show off their favorite things.  It's pretty cute.  Kaleb makes a lolly pop bouquet and AJ lines up the Hershey bars and kitkats in straight lines.

After the boys went to sleep Keith and I went to a Halloween party...right next door to enjoy the holiday adult style.  So goodbye October, we had a blast but are so very happy to be home, enjoying this crazy warm weather and gearing up for the next leg of our kitchen remodel in a few weeks.


  1. What a fantastic costume! Here from the Multiples and More linkup. I have id twin girls who are nine. The time really does fly!
