Wednesday, April 15, 2015

6months In

Late October 2014 we moved into our house.
SIX MONTHS AGO!  Keith and I just realized this last week and I cannot believe it.  Especially when I look around and still see unpacked boxes, art piled in corners, dressers covered in vases, EVERY closet packed full with every random thing you can imagine and unfinished projects.

Our kitchen was coming along so wonderfully.  Then we just stopped.  I wash dishes a zillion times a day and have learned to look past the peeling plaster right in front of my face.  We forgot to paint a square patch on the wall....and even though I brought the paint back out for another room I still forgot about that darn square!  The other room has 3 walls...Keith painted one, I painted the other....and the third one bothers me everyday, but we still haven't finished.  I'm currently laughing because as I type this that very unpainted wall is glaring at me over the computer screen.

At least I can say I did one successful thing trapped indoors this winter.  Potty training.  So 6 months from now I'm going to do a one year house tour to hold myself accountable.  One project a month should be manageable.  Right?  I'm going to set a reminder on my phone...or something.  I WAS going to paint today, but K&A wanted to mow the lawn instead. 

The following photos are just iPhone captures over the week.

Happy almost weekending with my big sister and the twin cousins!!!

Lessons on ROY-G-BIV
PB&J matzos sandwiches for lunch.  My favorite.
Sweet AJ spent Saturday night cuddled close.  That black eye is really something else.
Kaleb is saying "up, mama, help".  He really wants to climb trees.
This morning's pancake breakfast was golden and delicious.

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