Our flight adventure to the burgh was a piece of cake! The boys were amazing on the plane, and all the stress was non-sense.
Our return flight was a horse of a different color. We made it through the airport, fed the boys and entertained. Both were smiling, cooing and SOO happy. Walking onto the plane the flight attendant saw Kalebs cute "puppy butt" and couldn't resist a little pat-pat-pat. I'm not sure what the heck happened but Kaleb IMMEDIATELY started SCREAMING, then for the first time EVER Aiden followed suit. Oh ma gaaaaaaa!!!! Seriously, it was hilarious for the first two minutes, then....Keith and I were scrambling to calm them down! I received dirty looks at first...but once they saw Aiden screaming behind me most started laughing too. Jeesh!!!
Daddy showing Aiden the sunset |
I've never experienced such a wonderful flight crew. They played soothing music over the intercom for the boys, apologized for waking them before landing and held Kaleb while I strapped Aiden to his daddy. Who wants to bet that flight attendant keeps her hands to herself from now on?!?!
Snuggles with my only nephew and Lucie, my little lady bug! |
Besides the flight adventure it was so fun to cuddle my niece and nephew!
Lining the babies up together was hilarious! Our beach vacation next month will be something else.
Aiden LOOVES Grandma! |
We miss you all so much already!
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