Tuesday, May 28, 2013


Life has changed so drastically in the past month.
The boys are doing amazing....and they amaze me everyday.

Looking good boys!  Patriotic for Memorial Day.  Let freedom fly!
Aiden in stars and stripes, Kaleb in blue
They enjoy oatmeal for breakfast now.  I can tell they love it so much more than rice cereal!  Aiden practically keeps his mouth open the entire feeding, ready for the next spoonfull.  He cracks me up!

Hey brother....take that!  HaHa.
K&A are officially rolling front to back, back to front, sideways and all ways!  Aiden is on the verge of crawling.  He pulls his knees all the way up and scoots forward on his head, and Kaleb is finally grabbing his feet, which is capital A-dorable!

This past week drooling and slobber has taken on a world of it's own.  I'm convinced the boys are definitely teething....ugh, and life has been so grand lately!  

I've retired all the 3 month clothing and nightly feeding.  The boys are healthy and able to move forward without the 5am bottle.  So they eat 730, 1130, 330 and 730.  Bath, story and bedtime has been moved up an hour, which almost entirely cancels the nightly cranky baby headache.  Now they go to bed by 830 and my nights are free to play in the kitchen, visit with friends, watch the playoffs and r.e.a.d.....whhhhaat?  

MMM.  First batch of Mango Salsa this Summer!
I'm so proud to be a mother of multiples and find the time to pick up a book!  One of my favorite authors, Khaled Hosseini, has released a new story which I couldn't grab off the shelf fast enough.

We are getting comfortable in the pool and preparing for our beach vacation next month.

The boys friend Ryan, all the way from Boston, sent a surprise package with these awesome whale hats!!  THANKS AGAIN RYAN!!  His mama knew I was on the hunt for beach hats, and these are PERFECT!

Aiden...such a cutie!!
 I can't wait to be with family again...even if it takes ANOTHER flight to get there.

Sunday, May 19, 2013

Vacation Recap

Our flight adventure to the burgh was a piece of cake!  The boys were amazing on the plane, and all the stress was non-sense.

Our return flight was a horse of a different color.  We made it through the airport, fed the boys and entertained.  Both were smiling, cooing and SOO happy.  Walking onto the plane the flight attendant saw Kalebs cute "puppy butt" and couldn't resist a little pat-pat-pat.  I'm not sure what the heck happened but Kaleb IMMEDIATELY started SCREAMING, then for the first time EVER Aiden followed suit.  Oh ma gaaaaaaa!!!!  Seriously, it was hilarious for the first two minutes, then....Keith and I were scrambling to calm them down!  I received dirty looks at first...but once they saw Aiden screaming behind me most started laughing too.  Jeesh!!!

Daddy showing Aiden the sunset

I've never experienced such a wonderful flight crew.  They played soothing music over the intercom for the boys, apologized for waking them before landing and held Kaleb while I strapped Aiden to his daddy.  Who wants to bet that flight attendant keeps her hands to herself from now on?!?!

Snuggles with my only nephew and Lucie, my little lady bug!

Besides the flight adventure it was so fun to cuddle my niece and nephew!

Lining the babies up together was hilarious!  Our beach vacation next month will be something else.

Seriously...total PRO

 We enjoyed spending time with friends,

Aunt Kerrie finally met the boys!!!!  Ella, Owen and Lucas are such good big cousins!

family and watching the Stanley Cup Playoffs.

Uncle Timmy makes an awesome airplane!

I had a ticket and opportunity to make it to game one Pens vs Sens....ohhh how I wanted to go, but couldn't risk being away from the boys for 8-9 hours.

Great Grandma Schultz!

 Thank you everyone for the amazing visit!  Hugs and Kisses from the boys!
Aiden LOOVES Grandma!

We miss you all so much already!

Thursday, May 16, 2013

Mothers Day

Happy belated Mothers Day to all friends and family of humans and fur babies.

We had such a special day,

Aiden and Daddy

eating yummy food,


playing with Great Grandma,

Grandma with Lucie and the boys

Grandpa Eddie,

Aunts, Uncles

The Uncles!!
and COUSINS galore!

Aiden looooves his crazy cousin Chloe!
The cousins!  Kaleb wasn't in the picture taking mood!

I will forever cherish my first Mama's day.  I'm so happy we were able to travel home to PIttsburgh for the occasion.

Friday, May 10, 2013

Up UP and Away

Our first family vacation is about to begin!  Happy May-cation!
Our bags are packed, we're ready to go and we're leaving on a JET PLANE in the morning!  Are we crazy or what?!

My nerves have been on overload for weeks about our airport adventure.  Loosing my routine is another dreaded thought.  We're doing SO well.  Even nighttime has turned into something special....and the boys are tucked in, bathed, kissed and sleeping around 930.

All nerves aside we're looking forward to seeing friends and family, especially the twin cousins Lucie and Teddy who we'll meet for the very first time!  And I'm super excited to celebrate my very first MOTHERS DAY as a Mama!

AJ can blow bubbles too!

Sunday, May 5, 2013

5 Months

Phew, time is seriously flying by.

New milestones:
Kaleb and Aiden weigh approximately 15 pounds 4 ounces.
Best/Favorite milestone to date: Kaleb SLLLLEEEEPPPPS!!!  Aiden is still up quite often throughout the night, so I wake Kman for a bottle btw 5-630.  I hate to wake him, but I'm up anyways feeding AJ and pumping for the next session.  Afterall, when he has that feeding, he falls right back to sleep and doesn't get up again until 10-11AM.  Whoop!

The boys and I took a little trip to Target, and President Kaboom picked a new friend.  He loves the rattle and eating the trunk.

Aiden is just now starting to grab things and hold onto the keys.  Not too long and he'll want to steal the elephant!  Until then Kaboom's other favorite item is the pacifier.  He constantly takes it out of his mouth, puts it back in, flips it backwards, eats it sideways and passes it from one hand to the other.  Keith and I watch him in amazement.  

As the boys grow they love to see new things, so I give them turns in the activity center.  It keeps their attention for just enough time that I can finish making a salad or a batch of cookie dough.

Hope everyone had a happy Cinco de Mayo!  I have enough guacamole leftover to last all week.  Also, happy QUEENS birthday tomorrow to my beautiful niece Sophie Kate!!!

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Pick'n Wildflowers

Happy May!!  Wildflowers are in full bloom and the house is alive with vase filled flowers.

Tonight we had some friends over for BBQ, wildflower pick'n and PLAYOFF hockey!!

Hailee and Lilly helping me pick the "best" ones
Even Elliot James and Geno got in on the wildflower action!

The boys were SO excited for Round One Pens vs Islanders!  Can't you tell!

Aiden says...my hand tastes good!  Do you see my sweet spikes?!  I have a Mohawk too!

Kaleb has learned that spitting is fun.  I hate it!  But the bubbles that come along with spitting are pretty cute.

Bubble Lips!

Aiden has learned to sleep anywhere...and I learned he is VERY ticklish!  It's pretty fun to hear him laugh really hard.

Can't believe the boys are almost 5 months.  I'm shocked I can still squeeze them into 3 month clothing.  We are all looking forward to visiting friends and family for Mothers Day!  Flying with babies will hopefully be a GOOD adventure.