Saturday, November 3, 2012

The Double Double

I used to remember everything being a riddle when I was little....what's black and white and red all over?  There always seemed to be a few logical answers for everything, BUT only one was correct.  This isn't a riddle, but has a few logical answers (winning the lottery would be pretty exciting).  So I ask you this:

What is more exciting than the gummybear twins?

The one and only correct answer is this:

Double twin cousins shake rattle and roll
Me: 30 weeks 1 day
Jules: 17 weeks 3 days
DOUBLE TWIN COUSINS!!  Still confused and asking huh??  My big sister is pregnant with TWINS too!!  The double double is finally public knowledge!  If you recall me mentioning having a secret, or someone busting my heart rate theory (also a favorite moment of the week), it was allllll double double related.  Sooo happy and proud to say I'll be an aunt to a sweet girl (baby girl Alpha) AND boy (baby boy Bravo) come March!!

The trip home was like a dream....and the best one I've ever had!  So fun to see family and friends, dance in the rain,  smell the fall air and bring everyone closer to the gummies! 

Although both were VERY shy, they did kick once for Aunt Jessica to feel!  Most activity took place under my ribs.  Yikes.

I'm gathering photos from the shower and will post soon about the entire occasion!!  

Until then I leave you with a little list of things I learned on my travels:

*Passing people in the aisle on an airplane includes an awkward belly rub btn strangers
*(Not really new information...)  I have the MOST creative family members on the planet
*Baby showers are a blast
*Having to diet on vacation for my 2nd diabetic screen was possible, but NOT fair
*Contractions are scary the first time around and cause panic attacks!
*Keith remains REALLY calm in any given situation :)
*Donuts are #1 on the list of "things that make babies happy"

MAX DONUTS!  insert drool here....

1 comment:

  1. That is soooo exciting about all the babies! I bet your parents are going into panic mode haha 4 babies!!!
