Keith and I took a trip to the beach 2 weeks ago to attend a friends wedding. Thanks to my awesome planning skills I mixed up the locations.....blah. I've heard wonderful things about South Padre Island, and I do agree, it's great!!! Much better than Corpus Christi, where I thought we were headed. After frantic packing, a mad dash to the car and a stress induced breakdown, 4.5 hours later we eventually made it to the wedding. The bride and groom looked amazing and Keith says the seafood was unreal!
This week a great friend, and mom to Irish twins, went back to BabiesRUs with me....I recommend going this route for all 1st time expecting mommies. It was so easy, and kinda fun this time around. I had great advice and an expert scanner on hand! Hooray! I also officially made the first baby item purchase. I thought I successfully embraced the digital and technology age long ago, but seeing as I used Craigslist for the first time ever (I know, I know), I guess I really am behind. I found a great deal on the baby swing friends have recommended...for almost half price!

I also finally joined a great support group called San Antonio Area Mothers of Multiples. I refer to it as the twins club. The members seem great, always posting great advice! Later this month I'm going to my first members meeting, and attending the Fall sale! This seems like such a great organization, and is based specifically around multiples! The sale should be wonderful, especially since everything has to be in good condition and marked half-off retail pricing! Maybe I won't need Craigslist after all.
Last, but not least...
far along?
23 weeks
weight gain/loss: 23 pound gainMaternity clothes: Still rockin my regular clothes, although I did have a half-dressed crying episode in my closet last week. I couldn’t find a single zipper dress that fits.
None. Jeesh am I itchy though!
Sleep: Trying to stay on my side,
but most comfortable on my back with my arms above my head. Why is it we always want things we can’t
Miss Anything? Keith!!!! He left for
Movement: I’m going to ask the doctor if he’s sure they are humans, not fish. Flip, flop, flip, flop, all day long.
Food cravings: French Toast! And chocolate
Anything making you queasy or sick: Peanut Butter is killing me. Such a shame, cause TAKE5 is my favorite bite size candy bar. Gonna have to enjoy the 3 bags I just bought after the pregnancy is over.
Have you started to show yet: Yup!
Gender prediction: I’m starting to agree with Keith. One boy/one girl. I have a feeling this will continue to change with time.
Labor Signs: None
Belly button in or out? In
Wedding rings on or off? On
Happy or Moody most of the time: Happy!
Looking forward to: Cooler weather, we’re lower 90’s now (puke)
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