Our office has the sweetest decor and the boys feel so comfortable roaming those little halls. Kaleb made everyone giggle directly through the door when the nurse got his weight and height. She told him to look straight at me...so his head went up. She told him to drop his chin down, and he immediately looked at the floor. So she asked him to look up a little and he looked at the ceiling. HA, my literal little boy. Meanwhile AJ was off visiting every lady in their work station showing off his socks and collecting stickers.
Our Stats:
Kaleb Jesse stands 37 inches tall (28th percentile for his age) and weighs 29 pounds (30th percentile).
Aiden Jake stands 38.25 inches tall (59th percentile) and weighs 33 pounds (69th percentile). I think this boy will be tall like Keith. He's always been a half inch taller than Kman, and just recently has really starting putting distance between them.
SO, now that we're three-years-old the boys wear paper gowns, which is hilarious. They were not impressed at the discomfort and long length, so I told them all about Peter Pan and fashioned them accordingly. When Dr. Ann came in she found two boys standing with hands on hips and ready to fly. I give you the lost boys:
Our time with Dr. Ann was so entertaining. She sat and chatted with the boys, asking them almost every question, and turning to me every so often. She was very impressed they were potty trained, especially during naps and bedtime, gave us all things to work on-like correctly holding a pen, constructive drawing/coloring and tips for increasing speech development.
We were happy to spend the rest of the day cuddling indoors watching both Peter Pan and the snow gather outside. A fast 29 inches, which has almost completely disappeared now, was pure beauty! These are from a few days ago, where the boys were thrilled to make fresh tracks, build frosty the snowman (although they were very disappointed he didn't come to life when they threw their hats on his snow head) and lick the powder like doggies.