Tuesday, June 23, 2015

Our Father's Day

Keith had such a fun Father's Day this past weekend.  We had family staying with us for the weekend so there was plenty of entertainment.

6 days out of the week Kaleb and Aiden ask for breakfast pancakes, so no surprise Sunday breakfast was another pancake fest.  At least we personalized it for Keith's special day!  

As the boys were getting ready for bed they were being so sweet to each other....We have two step stools in their bathroom, and they consistently fight over one in particular, but not on Sunday.  AJ took ownership and instead of Kman pitching a fit, they took turns resting their heads on each other's shoulders and saying "Love you KK", "Love you AJ".  My heart wanted to explode.  This was the first time I've heard them spontaneously tell each other they love one another.  How special!!  I called Keith upstairs to witness the moment too.

Once the boys were in bed, and my heart was a regular thump-thump I made everyone rootBEER floats and we played the funniest round of Cards Against Humanity.  What a hilarious night!

Looking forward to celebrating Father's Day with my Papa in Pittsburgh soon.  We are taking him to see the Pirates play.  We'll also be skipping nap time, so I'm keeping an open mind about K&A's first professional ball game.  If they make it to the end of the game they get to show off and run the bases!!  How cool is that!!!  Fingers crossed friends.

Saturday, June 20, 2015

Aunt Jess visits

I've been so behind on blogging lately.

Recently we had an awesome visit with my sister, in from the Rocky Mountains for an entire week!!  We love watching her fiddle here, there and everywhere.  And she found a yummy new juice bar in town, which we shared with the boys.

My dad had a really fun combined welcome home/birthday party celebration with a bunch of family. Man the boys love getting to play with their big cousins, and are always bummed the following day when everyone is gone.  Happy birthday again to Chloe! Ten years old!

My brother and cousins have been playing in a baseball league, and K&A and I finally made it to see a game! They all did so great and showed the boys how to play!

When staying at my Dads, I usually spoil the boys and allow them to sleep in bed with me, during nap time the boys decided they wanted to stay together!  I just HAD to sneak in for the cutest photo of all time.  I love how they mirror each other, and both are holding their little matchbox cars in their right hand.  Sigh* I love them too much.  Also, I just had to share another cute photo of the little men, standing outside the firehouse.  They LOVE to visit the station, hoping for a peak at the engines.

We are having a really rainy week, which is good for our garden.  Looking forward to seeing sprouts.  Hopefully soon.
Happy Father's Day to all you great Dad's out there!!  Especially mine!

Sunday, June 7, 2015

Greenbrier Garden

This is finally the year, and the home, I learn to create and grow in the garden!!!
I've been picking my mom's brain over and over, and she is a fabulous coach.  Thank you for all your help and encouragement so far.

Today was my "deadline" to finish our garden, and there were days I didn't think I'd make it!  We ran into some BIG roots and I felt like a paleontologist digging and sculpting the tree's old bones.  My body has felt a little broken this week, but a combination of my determination and Keith's strength we cleared the way for happy fruits and veggies.  I hope!

You'd think my favorite moment was the finished product, but instead it was the day Kaleb ate a worm.  For those who haven't heard the story:  I was feeling defeated against the roots and called mom to chat, Kaleb remained in the dirt digging and playing with his little worm friends.  (Side note: the child LOVES worms.  The bigger and more wiggly the better, he takes them for bike rides and stretches them until their little worm bodies can't take it anymore.  I love hearing him say "big fat worm")  This was our conversation:

K: Worm all gone!
Me:  Oh, where did it go?
K: KK eat!  (points into his mouth)
Me:  Laugh insanely loud
Cue Kaleb throwing his face into my lap sobbing.
Me: Did you use your teeth?
K:  Yea
Me:  Was it yummy?
K:  No, yucky.
More sobbing

Then Aiden runs over to the garden, grabs a hand full of dirt, says "AJ eat worms too", I yell NOOO.  He then throws the dirt back into the garden and tosses his body onto the ground in full blown tantrum.  

Boys will be boys!  I took K&A out for a donut date the following morning, and they both picked a yummy donut with crushed Oreo topping, garnished with a gummy worm.  It was the perfect reminder of how we don't eat REAL worms!  Haha.

After everything was planted we ate two delicious strawberries that turned the most beautiful bright red yesterday as a reward!  Then AJ and Kman took turns giving the soil it's first good drink of H2O.

Thursday, June 4, 2015

Getting to know Kaleb & Aiden 2 1/2

The boys are officially 2 1/2 years old.  I shiver at the plural....yearS.
Here are my thoughts on my toddler tornado's, one twin at a time.

Getting to know: Kaleb Jesse
This little guy is still as sweet as sugar, a tiny bit of spice and almost loves cars more than his mama.  It is still impossible to disappear from his sight without him becoming slightly frantic asking for me for first, then the search begins.  It's not a good situation if I'm actually away.  As long as I'm within sight, or arm length, his favorite thing to do is play with his little cars and trains.  He loves Aiden so much and constantly wants to give him hugs.  Although he'll try anything it does take some convincing, he loves to observe, whether it's holding a worm, trying a new food or meeting a stranger.  Once he conquers the first attempt it's all fun and games!

Stats: Rough estimates:  Weight 27pounds 2ounces.  Height 35.7 Inches tall

Clothing:  The little boy almost always picks out his own outfit.  Once he's satisfied with himself, he picks out Aiden's clothes next.  While I'm thinking about it he is very particular about a lot of things....which yellow car he wants to hold while he takes a nap, and which song I sing to him before bedtime.  He wears almost all 2T now.  Depending on brand he may need smaller pants.  Undies + tiny bum = pants fall down.

Favorite foods:  Kaleb is much like his cousin Teddy.  He has yet to meet a fruit he doesn't like.  At the moment watermelon is a constant demand with breakfast, lunch and dinner.  Loves anything with noodles, corn-on-the-cob, cheese, avocado, rice, meat and smoothies!

Speech:  A while back Kman developed a little stutter, which disappeared as quickly as it appeared.  Depending on his excitement it is still apparent, and pretty cute.  He learns to say new things everyday and can put a 5 word sentence together.  Today he said "police car lives police station."  Kalebish is pretty difficult for some to understand,  Aunt Jules, OB and I seem to understand every word though.

Favorite Activities:  Going for a walk, driving cars and choo-chooing, digging for worms, making banana bread, taking showers, unloading the dishwasher, visiting a new playground and reading stories.

Least Favorite Activities:  Being away from mama, having to come inside for any reason (lunch, potty) and holding hands if he wants to be free.

Getting to know: Aiden Jake
Aiden is an incredible and silly little man.  Keith and I joke around about what would happen if he and I left the boys at home, alone for the day.  Kaleb would sit in the middle of the floor and cry incessantly.  Aiden would vacuum the house, get Kaleb a snack, probably turn on Clifford the big red dog and wash the dishes.  This kid is go-with-the-flow, no fear, animal lover, belly laughing guy on high.  Until you take his ride-on red-car.  A gift from his 2nd birthday, which Kaleb used to have full possession over, but now he wakes up and runs from the room saying "red car, red car."

Stats: Rough estimates:  Weighs 30pounds 4ounces.  Height 36.5 Inches tall

Clothing:  I've actually moved AJ up to most 3T tops and bottoms remain 2T.  He wears a size up in shoes and loves his super cape with any outfit.  It's the only thing he requests to wear, which is great since his brother likes to pick out his shirt 99% of the time.

Favorite Foods:  Pancakes, raspberries, noodles, salad, BBQ, corn-on-the-cob, ketchup, peppers, hummus with pretzels and steak.

Speech:  Aiden has come a long way in this department.  I'm not sure when things took off.  I think slightly after his 2nd birthday.  He often allows his brother to speak for him, but I'm very consistent about asking him the same question, even after Kaleb answers, and encourage him to say the answer.  He will, but he usually acts a little silly or shy about it.  He even sings songs with me every night, which I adore so much.  He knows; you are my sunshine, I will, Love me Tender, Linger, Twinkle Twinkle and a couple more lullabies.

Favorite Activities:  Climbing into the bed with me, driving his red-car, mowing the grass, going for a actual car-ride, building puzzles, water play (shower, bath, washing dishes), putting seasoning into whatever I'm cooking, brushing his teeth, taking care of his brother (if someone gets an ouchie the other runs to the freezer to grab an icepack, it's so cute), running errands (if you ask him to go get something for you) and hanging out with his Dad.

Least Favorite Activities:  Sharing the red-car or lawn mower and sitting in time-out.

And now;  enjoy a few more photos from our super fun photo session yesterday evening!