Tuesday, February 24, 2015


Is sledding a word or a term my sisters and I made up?  We have quite a few of those.  Songs, phrases and Moidel'isms.

Lobster hands!  The boys love wearing mama's mittens more

Keith and I took the boys sledding for the first time this past weekend. 
Northeast Ohio is still getting lots of snow, and I LOVE IT.  The beauty of the outside reflects on the inside.  Those sunshine mornings brighten the house SO much more.  It's the best.

I need to do an update on the boys individuality again.  We knew going into the adventure Aiden would be SOOO crazy excited, and we just weren't sure how Kaleb would react.  They were both totally excited headed to the park saying "weeeeeee, weeeeeeee" in preparation.  They say the same thing for swings, and they both love those.

Kaleb and I walked slowly behind as Keith spun AJ around on the sled, then took off down the massive hill.  Our turn came and Kaleb shook his head saying "no-no-no-no."  I recited a favorite story Cleo in the Snow, which made him remember how fun it was for Cleo the cat, and Casper the dog to ride down the hill (input weeeeeee, weeeeee).  He took my hand, snuggled close and we took off.  He loved it.  The next trip was slightly more difficult to convince him because we used a different sled.  The third time he went with Keith.  It was a bad last run.  He cried the second he sat on the sled, when the ride was over, the entire way up the hill and gave me a ginormous hug once Aiden and I got back to the top.  Oh boy.  Aiden on the other hand.....gets to the top of the hill, grabs a sled, lays down and says "yea, yea, yea"  meaning yes, I want to do that again. 

Begging Kman for a smile.........he was standing at the top of the hill
Aiden was so excited I don't think he was breathing.
Wild child and cautious child.  It makes for fun adventures.

Friday, February 20, 2015

Potty Training Bootcamp

I mentioned a couple posts ago we were loading up on milk and meals in preparation of potty training.  Figured I'd give an update.

This potty business seems to cause so much drama, and EVERYone has an opinion (this is mine).  Most of the reading I did to prepare myself (I felt I needed to go in with a game-plan) ended up giving me mixed feelings, most resulting in discouragement.  Now that the boys are "basically" potty trained (most people probably wouldn't agree) I'd like to share a few things I've learned.

The MOST important thing is deciding if you, the parent, are ready.  Not the child.  (Everything I read, or anytime I ask other parents for advice, 95% of the replies state make sure the child is ready, or my personal favorite, sounds like they just aren't ready.  Especially when it comes to little boys).  Well, let me give you a tiny pep talk about toddlers.  They are SO beyond capable of learning anything, especially when you factor in repetition and patience.

To all my future potty training friends:  In the beginning, success depends on training yourself!  It's not as important to your toddler as it is for you, to make it to the potty.  Set yourself a timer if it helps.  Your toddler isn't only being trained where to go, they are learning to recognize the feelings of a full bladder, how to control it and how to time it to make it to the potty on time.  Lots to coordinate in a brain that's also learning language among new daily discoveries.  Eventually they'll learn how to manage everything themselves, but have patience and keep reminding them it's time to go.  

For us, learning how to use the potty was the easiest thing.  It's avoiding the accident that's difficult.  They are interested in just about ANYTHING else to stop and go.  We can go days without accidents, as long as I'm taking the time to realize it's been an hour, undies are still dry....time to go potty.  We began with a weekend of teaching their elephants the process.  The kids are in control here, just guide them.

Next toddler potty training bootcamp!

Day 1:  We spent the full day pants/diapers/underwear free, downing liquids (I allowed the most watered down juice EVER), rewarding success on the potty with clapping/singing/cheering and a small candy treat..I made chocolate covered raisins.  Day two:  The same, but introduced wearing undies after nap.  Day three:  Undies all the time, rewards shift from potty success to keeping undies dry, introduction to the "official schedule".  (Wake up-use the potty.  Immediately before/after meals-use the potty.  Immediately before/after nap-use the potty.  Immediately before/after bath use the potty.)  The boys are awesome at this.  They love it!

So, that's where we are now.  Definitely not going back to diapers, aside from nap time and bedtime, and for sure running errands.  Public restrooms freak me out.  I'm so very proud of the boys, and I tell them constantly.  The first week was CONSTANT attention as well.  We almost never turned on their favorite shows (which we typically watch after nap time while I prepare dinner), and it's been loads of fun for K&A, and myself.

Happy weekend friends!

Saturday, February 14, 2015

Happy Love Day

Happy Valentine's Day!

We've had a LOVELY day so far, beginning with a heart filled breakfast, then spent the afternoon crafting with paints and watercolors.

Earlier this week K&A helped make some salt-dough hearts, which have been so fun to paint and hand out as valentines.  And as a little vday gift they each opened a little wooden racer they got to decorate all on their own.

Finally, whats Valentine's Day without a little photo shoot!?!  Later today the boys get to play with their Uncle Timmy and help mama makes some homemade pasta for spaghetti dinner.

Have a great weekend!

Thursday, February 5, 2015

Love Notes

Happy February!

Things are low-key here in Northeast Ohio.  We have lots of snow, and only one toddler who enjoys the outdoors.  We spend most of our days playing trucks, building puzzles, cooking together, coloring and watching the snow fall.

We're lucky enough to get weekly visits from my brother, which is WAY more fun for the boys than running errands.

This coming weekend I'm going to load up on food/milk and meal prep so the boys and I can have our first run at real potty training.  We've been having SO much success over the past few weeks, so I think this is totally possible.  Keep your fingers crossed for diaper free days ahead.  How cool would that be!?!  

Lots of love to everyone in this heart-filled month!  And on a side-note.  I had to visit my Dr. this past Monday, which is located inside the hospital, and as I sat waiting for my spot in the lab I heard the baby lullaby play......and I cried.