We had a serious blast on our first family beach vacation in Charleston, SC. What a charming, historic and beautiful place to visit!
Loved our Southern Beach House! Wrap around porches are my favorite! |
The boys got to feel the ocean waves, smell the salty air,
Beach walk with the boys. Aiden looking VERY stylish! |
and put their toes in the sand for the first time!
AJ's sandy toes! |
Kaleb is a totally cool dude! Thanks Auntie Julia for lending us those super awesome goggle sunglasses! |
We managed with a crazy messy schedule and did really well sharing a room with the boys for the week. Kaleb and Aiden had a ton of fun playing with their cousins.
Kaleb even got Teddy to suck on his fingers, haha.
Chloe and Sophie are the BEST, most HELPFUL big cousins EVER! I don't think we would have survived the week without them!
Cousin totem! |
Being with family is the best thing in the world and I seriously hate living so far away! Some favorite memories of this trip include witnessing Will do a crazy awesome SILENT (don't wake the 4 sleeping babies) stomping happy dance when the Hawks won the Stanley Cup! Watching the sunrise on the beach,
Swimming on the rooftop,
And ultimately lounging with family for an entire week.
Can't wait to do this again...when the babies are older. Our adventures with the twin cousins will only become more humorous. As long as Chloe and Sophie are around I think we'll all be just fine!
Thanks to everyone for a GREAT trip! Love and Miss you all!!
Happy JULY!